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What does Sharell mean?
Sharell as a girls' name means "cherry fruit; green gemstone; free man". Sharell is a version of Cheryl (French, Greek): not found before the 1920s. Sharell is also a variation of Sheryl (English, Old German).
VARIANTS Shyrill, Shyril, Shiral, Sheryll, Sheryle, Sheryell, Sherryl, Sherrill▼, Sherril, Sherrelle, Sherrell, Sherill, Sheril, Sherelle, Sherell, Sharyll, Sharyl, Sharrell, Sharil, Sharelle, Chyrill, Chyril, Cherylle, Cheryll, Cheryle▼, Cherryl, Cherrill, Cherrell, Cherelle, Cherell, Charyl, Charil, Charelle, Charell
Sharell Annelise (S.A.), ..
How popular is Sharell?
Sharell is a somewhat popular first name for women (#4202 out of 4276, Top 98%) but a unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Cherelle, Cherryl, Cheryl, Cheryle, Cheryll, Sharyl, Sherill, Sherrell, Sherril, Sherrill, Sherryl, Sheryl, Sheryle and Sheryll are the prominent variation forms of Sharell (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000. Usage of these forms of Sharell was common among parents 7 decades ago (USAGE OF 1.1%), but now, forms such as Cheryl have become somewhat outmoded. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Sharell is pronounced similarly to Charill, Sharel, Sheralle, Shirell and Shirelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Chanell, Chapell, Charela (see Harela), Marell, Sarelia, Sarely, Shaela, Shakeel, Shandell, Shanel, Shanell▼, Shanella, Shanelle▼, Shanelly, Shannell, Shantell, Sharee, Shareen, Sharelyn, Sharen▼, Sharena, Sharene, Sharla▼, Sharlee, Sharlie, Sharly, Shell, Shenell, Sherli, Shirely, Shirl, Shirly, Sorel, Sorell, Sorrel and Sorrell. These names tend to be less commonly used than Sharell.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]