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♀ Sharise
What does Sharise mean?
Sharise as a girls' name is pronounced sha-REES. It is of English origin. Variant of Charise. See also Charis. Also form of Sha-.
VARIANTS Sharice, Sharisa, Sharissa
RELATED FORMS VIA CHARIS, CHARISE Carisa, Carisse, Chareese, Charesa, Charese, Chari, Charice, Charie, Charisa, Charise, Charish, Charisha, Charissa, Charisse, Charista, Charysse, Cherise, Karis, Karisa, Karisse, Sherisa
Sharise Kaidence (S.K.), ..
How popular is Sharise?
Sharise is an unusual first name for females. Sharise is also an unusual last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Popular variation forms of Sharise (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Carisa, Charis, Charise, Charissa, Charisse, Cherise, Karis (#1331 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Karisa and Sharice. These forms of Sharise were at the peak of their popularity 48 years ago (MEDIAN #1492) and are now much less widespread (#1925, DOWN 74.4%). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Sharise is pronounced similarly to Chareese, Charese, Charice, Charisse, Charysse, Cherese, Cherice, Cheriese, Cherise, Cherisse, Cherrise, Cheryse, Shareese, Sharyse, Sherece, Shereese, Sherese, Sherice, Sherise, Sherryse and Shirece. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Chalise, Chanise, Charie, Charisa, Charish, Clarise, Klarise, Marise, Saoirse▲, Sarese, Sarie, Sarika, Sarine, Sarissa, Shaine, Shalisa, Shalise, Shanese, Shanice▼, Shanie, Shanise, Shanisse, Shaquise (see Sha-), Sharae, Sharaye, Shardae, Sharde, Sharee, Sharene, Shari▼, Sharie, Sharifa, Sharik, Sharika, Sharil, Sharina, Sharita, Sharitee, Sharitey (see Charity), Sharity, Sharitye (see Charity), Sharlee, Sharlie, Sharline, Sharlisa, Sharrie, Sheresa, Sherica, Sherie, Sheriesa (see Cherise), Sherine, Sherisa, Sherissa and Shirine. These names tend to be more frequently used than Sharise.