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♀ Sharlene
What does Sharlene mean?
Sharlene ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced shar-LEEN. It is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Sharlene is "free man". Feminine of Charles; variant of Caroline, Charlene and Charla. Also form of Carol. Also form of Charlie. Also form of Charlotte.
VARIANTS Sharla▼, Sharlaine, Sharlamaine, Sharlan, Sharlana, Sharlane, Sharlee, Sharleen, Sharletta, Sharleyne, Sharlina, Sharline, Sharlisa, Sharly, Sharlyn, Sharlyne, Sharlynne
OTHER FORMS VIA CAROLINE, CHARLA, CHARLENE Carlen, Carlene▼, Carline, Carlyne, Charlaine, Charlayne, Charlee▲, Charleen▼, Charleena, Charleene, Charlena, Charlene▼, Charlie▲, Charlien, Charlina, Charline▼, Charlyn, Charlyne, Charlynn, Karlen, Karlena, Karlene, Shalene, Sharkeen, Sharlena
Sharlene Jayla (S.J.), ..
How popular is Sharlene?
Sharlene is a very popular first name for females (#993 out of 4276, Top 23%) but a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Sharlene was first listed in 1930-1939 and reached its top rank of #536 in the U.S. in the 1950s, but is not listed currently. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent alternative forms of Sharlene ranked in the Top 2000 are Carlene, Carline, Carol (#1788 FROM RECENT DATA), Caroline (#55), Charla, Charlee (#288), Charleen, Charlene (#1813), Charles, Charlie (#152), Charline, Charlotte (#6), Charlyn, Charlyne, Karlene, Sharla, Sharleen and Sharlyn. Other forms, like Sharlena, are uncommon. These relations of Sharlene were popular 8 decades ago (USAGE OF 2.7%) and have become significantly less conventional since (USAGE 1.2%, ▼55.8%), with versions such as Sharla becoming less stylish. Caroline, Charlee, Charlie and Charlotte are four of the more chic baby names in this list.
Similar Names
Sharlene▼ is alike in pronunciation to Cherlyne, Sherlene, Sherlynn, Shirleen, Shirlene, Shirline and Shirlyn. Other recommended sound-alike names are Cailene, Charlette, Charmane, Charmene, Charmese, Dalene, Darleane, Darline, Darylene, Earldene (see Earla), Earlena, Earline▼, Erlene, Harlee▲, Jaylene▲, Karlee, Lurlene, Marcene, Marleene, Marlene▼, Orlene, Paulene, Philene, Salena▼, Saralyn, Sareen, Sarene, Scarlet▲, Scarlett▲, Serene, Shaena, Shalana, Shalini, Shalise, Shalynn, Shanee, Shaneese, Shanese, Shannen▼, Shantee, Sharan, Sharaye, Shardei, Shareen, Shareena, Sharelyn, Sharelynne (see Cherilyn), Sharene, Sharise, Sharitye (see Charity), Sharlie, Sharman, Sharmayne, Sharmyane, Sharmyn, Sharrell, Sharyn▼, Shayanne, Shaylee, Shayleen, Shaylynne, Sheralyn, Sheree▼, Sherilyn, Sherylyn, Shirece, Shiree and Shirlee▼. These names tend to be less frequently used than Sharlene.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]