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What does Sherell mean?

Sherell Pronunciation of Sherell as a girls' name. The meaning of the name Sherell is "cherry fruit; green gemstone; free man". Sherell is a version of Cheryl (French, Greek): not found before the 1920s. Sherell is also a form of Sheryl (English, Old German).


ASSOCIATED WITH cherry (tree), green


VARIANTS Shyrill, Shyril, Shiral, Sheryll, Sheryle, Sheryell, Sherryl, Sherrill, Sherril, Sherrelle, Sherrell, Sherill, Sheril, Sherelle, Sharyll, Sharyl, Sharrell, Sharil, Sharelle, Sharell, Chyrill, Chyril, Cherylle, Cheryll, Cheryle, Cherryl, Cherrill, Cherrell, Cherelle, Cherell, Charyl, Charil, Charelle, Charell

RELATIONS VIA CHERYL, SHERYL Sherai, Sheralin, Sheralyn, Sherilyn, Sherlene



Sherell Lyrica (S.L.), ..

How popular is Sherell?

Sherell is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#3604 out of 4276, Top 84%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Sherell (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Cherelle, Cherryl, Cheryl, Cheryle, Cheryll, Sharyl, Sherill, Sherilyn, Sherlene, Sherrell, Sherril, Sherrill, Sherryl, Sheryl, Sheryle and Sheryll. These relations of Sherell were at the top of their popularity in the 1950s (USAGE OF 1.11%), but now, versions like Cheryl have become less stylish. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Cherelle, Cherryl, Cheryl, Cheryle, Cheryll in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Sharyl, Sherill, Sherilyn, Sherlene, Sherrell in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Sherril, Sherrill, Sherryl, Sheryl, Sheryle, Sheryll in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Sherell and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Sherell is pronounced similarly to Charill, Cherrelle, Sharel, Sheralle, Shirell and Shirelle. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Averell, Sarely, Shanell, Sharla, Sharly, Sheela, Shell, Shenell, Shenelle, Sherece, Sheree, Shereen, Sherees (see Cherise), Sheresa, Sherese, Sherey, Sherez, Sherlee, Sherli, Sherlie, Sherrlie (see Shirley), Shirely, Shirl, Shirly, Sorel, Sorell, Sorrel, Sorrell and Terell. These names tend to be less frequently used than Sherell.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
