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♀ Shura
What does Shura mean?
Shura as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Shura) is of Russian and Greek origin, and the meaning of Shura is "man's defender". Diminutive form of Alexander. Used in Russia as a nickname for a man. Also form of Alexandra.
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Shusa, ..
(male) Shurat, ..
Shura Chandler (S.C.), ..
How popular is Shura?
Shura is a rare given name for females but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#102173 out of 150436, Top 68%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Alexander and Alexandra (#125 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are the prominent alternative forms of Shura (NOT RANKED). These relations of Shura were at the top of their popularity in the year 1993 (USAGE OF 0.6%) and are now much less widespread (USAGE 0.1%, 76% LESS), with forms such as Alexandra becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Shura is pronounced similarly to Chara, Chari, Cheray, Chery, Sharae, Sharaia, Sharay, Sharaya, Sharaye, Sharee, Sharie, Sheera, Sherae, Sherah, Sheraie, Sheree▼, Sheria, Sherie, Sherri▼, Sherry▼, Shery, Sherye, Shiree, Shiri and Shyra. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alura, Aura, Azura, Doura, Laura▼, Lura▼, Maura, Nehura (see Nehara), Noura, Nura, Sabra, Sahara, Sahra, Saira, Sakura, Sara▼, Sarra, Seara, Sebra, Sera, Sh'rae, Shaka, Shana▼, Sharan, Sharla▼, Shauna▼, Shaya, Shea, Sheba, Shela, Shena, Sher, Sheran, Sheva, Shifra, Shila, Shiral, Shirl, Shona, Shula, Shuna, Shyla, Siara, Sidra, Siera, Sula, Suri, Taura, Thora and Thyra. These names tend to be more commonly used than Shura.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]