Home > Tabetha


What does Tabetha mean?

Tabetha Pronunciation of Tabetha as a girls' name has its root in Aramaic, and the name Tabetha means "gazelle". Tabetha is a variant form of Tabitha (Aramaic). Biblical: the Aramaic name of Dorcas.



VARIANTS Tabytha, Tabotha, Tabbitha, Tabatha




Tabetha Evie (T.E.), ..

How popular is Tabetha?

Tabetha is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2528 out of 4276, Top 59%) but a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Tabetha was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its top position of #994 in the U.S. during the years 1980-1989, but is not ranked at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Tabetha name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Tabetha outside U.S.

Which version is better?

Tabatha and Tabitha (#1096 A YEAR AGO) are the prominent related forms of Tabetha appearing in the Top 2000. Other variants, like Tabita, are seldom used. These forms of Tabetha were popular with parents in the 1980s (USAGE OF 0.2%) and are now significantly less conventional, with versions such as Tabitha becoming less in vogue.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Tabetha, Tabatha, Tabitha in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Tabetha and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Agetha, Albertha, Aletha, Arletha, Aubertha, Bartha, Betha, Caltha, Camesha, Catha, Claretha, Egbertha, Elbertha (see Alberta), Gretha, Iantha, Jamesha, Kadesha, Kamesha, Lakesha, Lanesha, Laretha, Latesha, Lauretha, Letha, Martha, Matha, Oletha, Oretha, Rebeha, Rebekha, Retha, Sabetha, Saesha, Samentha, Tabina, Tacitha, Tahsha, Taisha, Takisha, Talea, Taleah, Taleetha, Talena, Taletha, Talita, Talitha, Tameeka, Tamera, Tamisha, Tanea, Taneea, Taneesha, Tanesha, Taniesha, Tanisha, Tanita, Tanitra, Tanysha, Tareena, Tarena, Taresa, Tasha, Tatia, Techa, Teeta, Tenesha, Theta, Tiberia, Tiesha, Tyberia, Tyesha, Ubertha, Vanesha, Xantha and Zantha. These names tend to be less frequently used than Tabetha.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
