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♀ Tacy
What does Tacy mean?
Tacy as a girls' name is pronounced TAY-cee. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Tacy is "silence". May also be intended as a short form of Anastacia. Initially used as a given name by the Society of Friends, the Quakers. Also form of Stacy.
VARIANTS Tace, Tacey, Tacia, Tacie, Tacitha, Tacye
Tacy Lucie (T.L.), ..
How popular is Tacy?
Tacy is an uncommonly occurring given name for women but a very prominent surname for all people (#28005 out of 150436, Top 19%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Tacy reached its apex position of #1562 in the U.S. in the 1880s, but is not in the Top 1000 at the moment. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Which version is better?
Anastacia and Stacy (#1316 VIA LATEST LIST) are the prominent alternative forms of Tacy rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Tacy was more pronounced in the 1970s (MEDIAN #1346) and has become significantly lower since (#1772, DOWN 98%).
Similar Names
Tacy is alike in pronunciation to Taisa, Tasa, Tasiya, Tassa, Tasya, Tazia, Tesa, Tessy, Teza and Tisa. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cacy, Cascy, Dacy, Daicy, Darcy, Fancy, Jacy, Kacy▼, Lacy▼, Lucy, Macy, Maicy, Marcy▼, Nancy▼, Ta-, Tabby, Tada, Taffy, Tais, Tait, Taja, Taji, Tal, Tali, Tally, Talya, Tam, Tama, Tami▼, Tammy▼, Tana▼, Tandy, Taney, Tani, Tansy, Tanya▼, Tara▼, Taryn▼, Tash, Tate, Tati, Tava, Tavy, Tawny, Taya, Tiny, Toby, Tony, Tory, Trace, Tracey▼, Traci▼, Tracy▼, Treacy and Yancy. These names tend to be more commonly used than Tacy.