Home > Tallie


What does Tallie mean?

Tallie Pronunciation of Tallie as a name for girls has its root in Native American Indian, and the name Tallie means "leaping water". Tallie is a version of Talicia. Modern name: Alicia with a T-. Tallie is also a variation of Tallulah (Native American Indian). Tallie is also used as a derivative of Tally.




VARIANTS Tula, Talya, Talley, Tallee, Talie, Tali

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA TALICIA, TALLULAH, TALLY Tal, Talija, Tallia, Tallula, Tallya, Talora, Talula, Talulla



Tallie Geneva (T.G.), ..

How popular is Tallie?

Tallie is a rare given name for women but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#47575 out of 150436, Top 32%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Tallie (NOT RANKED) are Tallulah (#1281 IN 2018), Talya and Tula. Other forms, like Talula, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Tallie reached its most widespread in the year 2015 (ADOPTION OF 0.01%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 0.01%, DOWN 27.9%). Tallulah is the most fashionable baby name in this compilation. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Tallulah, Talya, Tula in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Tallie and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Tallie is pronounced similarly to Tahlia, Talea, Taleah, Talia, Taliah, Tayla, Tilley, Tilli, Tillie, Tilly, Toolia, Toulia, Tulia, Tulla, Tullia, Tully and Tylee. Other recommended sound-alike names are Bailie, Baillie, Baylie, Billie, Cahlie, Calie, Callee, Callia, Callie, Caylie, Dallis, Gillie, Haelie, Hailie, Haillie, Halie, Hallie, Haylie, Hillie, Hollie, Kailie, Kalie, Kalli, Kallie, Kaylie, Kellie, Lillie, Lollie, Maillie, Malfie, Malkie, Malvie, Marlie, Mellie, Mollie, Paulie, Sallie, Tabbie, Taisie, Talise, Talmit (see Talma), Tamie, Tandie, Tassie, Taubie, Tavie, Teall, Tealle, Thaleia, Thalie, Tildie, Vallee, Valli, Vallia, Vallie, Wallie, Wallis and Willie. These names tend to be more commonly used than Tallie.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
