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♀ Tammi
What does Tammi mean?
Tammi ▼ as a name for girls has its roots in Hebrew and Aramaic, and the meaning of the name Tammi is "date palm; twin". Tammi is an alternate spelling of Tamara (Hebrew): Russian form of Tamar. Tammi is also a derivative of Tammy (English, Aramaic). Tammi is also used as a derivative of Thomasina (Aramaic).
VARIANTS Tommye, Tommy, Tommie▼, Tommi, Toma, Tammie▼, Tammey, Tammee, Tamma, Tamie, Tami▼, Tama
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA TAMARA, TAMMY, THOMASINA Tam, Tamar, Tamary, Tamera▼, Tamlyn, Tammara, Tammiejo, Tamora, Tamra▼, Tamrah, Tamryn, Thamar
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Timi, ..
(male) Tamm, ..
Tammi Kayden (T.K.), ..
How popular is Tammi?
Tammi is a very popular first name for females (#834 out of 4276, Top 19%) and a slightly less popular last name for both adults and children (#134037 out of 150436, Top 89%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Tammi was first listed in 1950-1959 and reached its top rank of #368 in the U.S. in the 1960s, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Tama, Tamar, Tamara (#1797 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Tamera, Tami, Tamie, Tammara, Tammey, Tammie, Tammy, Tamra, Thomasina, Tommie, Tommy and Tommye are the popular variation forms of Tammi. Usage of these relations of Tammi was well-received among parents during 1960-1969 (MEDIAN #907) and is now much lower, with versions like Tamara becoming less stylish.
Similar Names
Tammi▼ is pronounced similarly to Taima, Taimah, Timmey, Timmi and Timmie. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Cami, Cammi, Carmi, Emmi, Jaimi, Jami▼, Kami▼, Kammi, Laxmi, Maemi, Naomi▲, Sami, Sammi, Tabbi, Tahni, Taji, Tali, Talma, Talmit (see Talma), Tamsin, Tamzin, Tani, Tashi, Tasmin, Tati and Tawni. These names tend to be less frequently used than Tammi.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]