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♀ Teri
What does Teri mean?
Teri ▼ as a name for girls is an Old German and Greek name, and the name Teri means "late summer". Teri is an alternate form of Terry (Old German): nickname of Teresa. Teri is also a variation of Theresa (Greek).
VARIANTS Terrye, Terrya, Terrie▼, Terri▼, Terrey, Terreigh, Terree, Terie, Tereigh, Teree, Terea, Tera▼
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA TERRY, THERESA Resi, Rezi, Terall, Terasa, Terell, Teresa▼, Terese▼, Teresia, Tereza, Teriana, Teriann, Terika, Terrin, Terryn, Tersa, Tersina, Tersita, Teryn, Terza, Tess, Tessa▲, Tessi, Tessie▼, Tessy, Tresa, Treza
Teri Ruth (T.R.), ..
How popular is Teri?
Teri is a very prominent first name for women (#436 out of 4276, Top 10%) and a slightly less prominent surname for both adults and children (#92601 out of 150436, Top 62%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Teri was first listed in 1940-1949 and reached its top rank of #207 in the U.S. during the years 1960-1969, but is not ranked at the moment. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Tera, Teresa (#798 IN 2018), Terese, Teresia, Terri, Terrie, Terry, Tess (#1291), Tessa (#245), Tessie, Theresa (#1106) and Tresa are the prominent varying forms of Teri listed in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Tereigh, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Teri reached its peak in the 1960s (AVERAGE #814) and is now much reduced (#1649, ▼94%), with versions like Theresa becoming less fashionable. Teresa is a constant favorite, though Tessa has become popular as well over time.
Similar Names
Teri▼ is alike in pronunciation to Tara▼, Tarah▼, Taree, Tarra, Taura, Teara, Terah, Terra▼, Terrah, Tiara▼, Tiera▼, Tierra▼, Tierria, Tora, Torey, Tori▼, Toria, Torie, Torri, Torrie, Torry, Tory, Tyra▼, Tyree and Tyria. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abri, Airi, Ari▲, Averi▲, Bari, Bri, Cari▼, Ceri, Cheri▼, Ciri, Cori, Dari, Devri, Dori, Geri▼, Gerri, Jeri▼, Jerri▼, Kari▼, Keri▼, Kerri▼, Kiri, Kori▲, Lari, Liri, Mari, Merri, Miri, Nari, Peri, Sheri▼, Suri, Taji, Tali, Tami▼, Tarin, Tea▼, Tedra, Tekli, Teleri, Teoni, Tercia, Terez, Terica, Terin, Tersia, Toni▼, Tris, Trix and Tru. These names tend to be less commonly used than Teri.