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♀ Tina
What does Tina mean?
Tina ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced TEE-nah. It is of Latin origin. Name ending, particularly of Christina, used as an independent name and in combination with other names. Rock singer Tina Turner; actress Tina Louise; playwright Tina Howe; basketball player Tina Thompson. Also form of Augusta. Also form of Bettina. Also form of Celeste. Also form of Constance. Also form of Konstanze. Also form of Martina. Also form of Valentina.
ASSOCIATED WITH combination (blend), rock
VARIANTS Teena, Teenie, Teina, Tena▼, Tinamarie, Tine, Tiny
RELATIONS VIA CHRISTINA Ina▼, Kit, Stina, Teyna, Tinah, Tineke
Tina Ridley (T.R.), ..
How popular is Tina?
Tina is a very popular first name for women (#92 out of 4276, Top 2%) and also a very popular last name for both adults and children (#55609 out of 150436, Top 37%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Tina reached its apex position of #29 in the U.S. in the 1970s, and is at #1684 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Valentina (#81 A YEAR AGO), Christina (#439), Celeste (#441), Martina (#1377), Constance (#1676), Augusta, Bettina, Ina, Kit, Stina, Teena, Tena, Tinamarie and Tiny are the popular alternative forms of Tina (#1684). Other forms, like Teyna, are uncommon. Usage of these relations of Tina was common among parents 5 decades ago (AVERAGE #1232) and is now much reduced (#1579, 79% LESS USAGE), with forms such as Christina becoming somewhat outmoded. Christina is the steady favorite, though Valentina has become popular as well over time.
Similar Names
Tina▼ is pronounced similarly to Tana▼, Tanea, Tani, Tania▼, Tanja, Tawana▼, Tawni, Tawnya▼, Teanna, Tenaya, Teona, Teyna, Tiauna, Tinah, Tinie, Tona, Toni▼, Tonie, Tonnya, Tony, Tonya▼, Tonyah, Tonye, Tyana and Tyanna▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aina, Bina, Dina▼, Fina, Gina▼, Jina, Kina, Lina, Mina, Nina▼, Rina, Sina, Taima, Tama, Thana, Tia▼, Tiane, Tinka, Tiona, Tionna, Tisa, Tita, Toma, Trina▼, Vina▼, Wina and Zina▼. These names tend to be less commonly used than Tina.