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♀ Toia
What does Toia mean?
Toia as a name for girls is of Spanish derivation. Toia is an alternate spelling of Toya (Spanish): modern American name.
Toia Alayah (T.A.), ..
How popular is Toia?
Toia is an uncommon first name for females but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#53191 out of 150436, Top 35%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent variation form of Toia (UNLISTED) listed in the Top 2000 is Toya. This form of Toia was favored as a birth name 48 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.01%), but now, Toya has become somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Toia is alike in pronunciation to Ta-, Tais, Taya, Te-, Tea▼, Thais, Thu, Tia▼, To and Toya▼. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abia, Afia, Ania, Aria▲, Asia▼, Bria▼, Donia, Elia▲, Gaia, Jioia, Jocia, Joia, Kaia▲, Leia▲, Lia▲, Loria, Maia▲, Moia, Moria, Naia, Nia▲, Olia, Rhia, Sonia▼, Tada, Taija, Taina▼, Talia▲, Tana▼, Tara▼, Tavia, Tazia, Teil, Tera▼, Thea▲, Theia, Thia, Thida, Tina▼, Tisa, Tobi, Toby, Tola, Toma, Tomika▼, Tona, Tonia▼, Tonica, Tonya▼, Toos, Tora, Toria, Tosia, Tosiya, Tossa, Tova, Tovah, Treia, Trina▼, Trix, Tula, Tulia, Tyla, Zoia and Zosia. These names tend to be more frequently used than Toia.