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♀ Toney (girl)
What does Toney mean?
Toney as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Toney) is of English derivation. Toney is a version of Toni (English): diminutive of Antonia and Antoinette.
VARIANTS Tonya▼, Tony, Tonie, Tonia▼, Tonee, Tona
RELATED FORMS VIA TONI Toinon, Tola, Tonell, Tonette, Tonina
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Tiney, ..
(male) Toin, ..
Toney Hayley (T.H.), ..
How popular is Toney?
Toney is a rare given name for women but a very popular last name for all people (#1886 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Tona, Tonette, Toni (#1763 LAST YEAR), Tonia, Tonie, Tony and Tonya are the popular related forms of Toney (NOT RANKED). These forms of Toney were popular with parents in the 1970s (AVERAGE #1163) and have become much less widespread since, with versions such as Toni becoming less fashionable. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Toney is pronounced similarly to Tana▼, Tanaya, Tanea, Tanee, Taneea, Taney, Tania▼, Tawney, Tena▼, Tenaya, Teona, Teoni, Teonna, Tina▼, Tinah, Tinie, Tiny, Toini, Toni▼, Tonie, Tonnya, Tony, Tonya▼, Tonyah and Tunna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Bonney, Codey, Coley, Conney, Corey▼, Daney, Deney, Dodey, Dorey, Eboney, Honey, Janey, Jobey, Jodey, Joey, Joley, Jorey, Josey, Kodey, Korey, Laney, Lorey, Lovey, Posey, Reney, Romney, Ronney, Rosey, Roxey, Sokey, Tacey, Tandy, Tansey, Tansy, Tanzey, Teone, Thobey, Tine, Tobe, Tobee, Tobey, Toby, Tommy, Tonell, Torey, Torrey, Torry, Tory, Tove and Zooey▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Toney.