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What does Trista mean?
Trista ▼ as a girls' name is pronounced TRISS-tah. It is of English origin. Feminine of Tristan and/or a rhyming variant of Christa. The spelling of Trysta suggests the English word "tryst", usually taken to mean a romantic appointment to meet. The source was the name of a tragic male lover of Celtic legend. A young knight sent to retrieve Isolde, his king's betrothed, from Ireland, they fall in love but the romance ended in grief. This ancient name might derive from a Pictish original, Drostan, but the form was influenced by the French term "triste", meaning "sad". Tristan is used more for boys than for girls; Tristan variants serve as alternatives to names like Kristen and Christine. A woman named Trista Rehn appeared in the 2002 reality show "The Bachelorette".
ASSOCIATED WITH legend (mythology), young, knight (warrior), king (queen), ireland (gaelic), ancient (old)
VARIANTS Tristan▼, Tristana, Tristen▼, Tristin, Tristina, Tristyn, Trysta, Trystan, Trystin
RELATED FORMS VIA CHRISTA, CHRISTINE, KRISTEN Chrissa, Christa▼, Christi▼, Christy▼, Chrysta, Crista, Crysta▼, Khrista, Khrysta, Krissy, Krista▼, Kristain, Kristan▼, Kristel, Kristen▼, Kristi▼, Kristian▼, Kristin▼, Kristina▼, Kristyn▼, Kristyna, Krysia, Krysta▼, Krystah
Trista Piper (T.P.), ..
How popular is Trista?
Trista is a very popular first name for females (#1330 out of 4276, Top 31%) but a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Trista was first listed in 1970-1979 and reached its highest position of #442 in the U.S. during 1980-1989, but is not in the list currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Trista are Christine (#926 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Kristina (#1087), Kristen (#1226), Christa, Kristin, Tristin, Tristen, Tristan, Krysta, Kristyn, Kristi, Kristian, Christi, Kristel, Kristan, Krista, Krissy, Crysta, Crista, Christy and Tristyn. Usage of these relations of Trista was widespread 48 years ago (AVERAGE #1005) and is now significantly less, with forms like Kristina falling out of fashion.
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Alista, Arista, Brieta, Brisa▼, Brisha, Brisia, Brissa▼, Brita, Britta, Crissa, Crista, Cristal▼, Cristi, Cristy▼, Crysta▼, Erisha, Irisa, Irisha, Irita, Khrista, Krisia, Krissa, Krista▼, Kristal▼, Kristan▼, Kristi▼, Kristl (see Crystal), Kristy▼, Krysta▼, Prisca, Taisa, Taisha, Taisia, Teisha, Terasita, Teresita, Tersita, Tisa, Tisha▼, Tita, Tresa, Tressa, Tricia▼, Trina▼, Trinita, Tris, Trisa, Trish, Trisha▼, Trisia, Trissa, Tristenna and Tyisha. These names tend to be less commonly used than Trista.