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♀ Tristana
What does Tristana mean?
Tristana as a girls' name. Feminine of Tristan (Welsh). In medieval legend, Tristan is a knight who fell in love with Isolde, the wife of his uncle. The tale has been told in an epic poem by Tennyson and an opera by Wagner. Also form of Trista.
ASSOCIATED WITH medieval, knight (warrior), tale (literary), opera
OTHER FORMS VIA TRISTAN Tristin, Tristyn, Trystan, Trystin
Tristana Arabella (T.A.), ..
How popular is Tristana?
Tristana is a rare first name for women. Tristana is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Tristana (NOT RANKED) are Trista, Tristan, Tristen, Tristin and Tristyn. Other variants, like Trystin, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Tristana was well-received 22 years ago (MEDIAN #1060). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Tristana is pronounced similarly to Tristina. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arista, Briana▼, Britani, Britania, Brittan, Brittane, Brittani▼, Brittania, Brittann (see Brittany), Brittany▼, Brittanya, Christan, Christena▼, Christiana, Christina▼, Christna, Crista, Cristena, Cristian, Cristiana, Cristianna, Cristin▼, Cristine, Cristyn, Crystena, Crystina, Crystyna, Gitana, Iriana, Iridiana, Khristanna (see Christiana), Khristena (see Christina), Khristina, Krisina, Krissina, Kristain, Kristale (see Crystal), Kristalena, Kristan▼, Kristena, Kristene, Kristian▼, Kristiana, Kristiane, Kristianna, Kristijna, Kristinia, Kristinna, Kristyn▼, Kristyna, Kristyne, Krystiana, Krystina▼, Luisana, Quintana, Tashana, Tassiana, Tiana, Tiatiana, Titania, Titanya, Tiziana, Toriana, Trina▼, Triphena, Trisha▼, Trisia, Trissa, Trissina (see Tricia), Tristyn, Tryphana, Trystan, Trystin and Tzigana. These names tend to be more frequently used than Tristana.