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♀ Urbana
What does Urbana mean?
Urbana as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Urbana is "of the city". Feminine of Urban, which has been used by eight popes. In America, the name is likely to be associated with the town where the University of Illinois is located.
Urbana Macy (U.M.), ..
How popular is Urbana?
Urbana is a rare first name for females. Urbana is also a rare surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Urbana has not been recorded in the Top 2000 thus far. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Adeana, Albina▼, Aleana, Ariadna▲, Ariana▲, Arianna, Arieana, Arlana, Armina, Arriana, Aryana, Auriana, Aydana, Bobina, Brana, Breana▼, Breena, Breina, Breona, Briahna, Briana▼, Brina, Bruna, Bryana▼, Bryanna▼, Bryauna, Brynna, Cariana, Deana▼, Dejana, Delana, Dylana, Eirana, Eleana, Erina, Ermina, Erna▼, Germana, Gitana, Gleana, Hasana, Helana, Iliana▲, Ioana, Iriana, Irvina, Ishana, Ivana▲, Jiana, Jumana, Kayana, Lana▲, Leana, Luana, Oreana, Oriana, Oryna, Osana, Quiana, Rhiana, Rohana, Rubena, Suzana, Tabina, Toriana, Trena, Ulani, Urania, Uranya, Urena, Urina, Ursa, Ursala, Ursula▼ and Zana▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Urbana.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]