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♀ Valkyrie
What does Valkyrie mean?
Valkyrie as a girls' name is of Scandinavian origin. Mythology: the attendants of Odin who guide the heroes slain in battle to the feasting hall on Valhalla.
ASSOCIATED WITH scandinavian, mythology, heroes, battle
VARIANTS Valkyria, Valkyrria, Vallkyrie
SEE ALSO Walkiria
Valkyrie Giuliana (V.G.), ..
How popular is Valkyrie?
Valkyrie is an unusual first name for women. Valkyrie is an equally unusual last name for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Valkyrie has not been ranked in the list thus far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Allfrie, Barrie, Baylie▼, Calie, Callie▲, Carrie▼, Caysie, Cheyrie, Clarie, Clarrie, Clytie, Eulaylie (see Eulalia), Florrie, Glorie, Halie▼, Jackie▼, Jaycie▼, Jaymie, Jaynie, Kallie▲, Karie▼, Kaycie, Kaylie▼, Kaysie, Lallie, Malkie, Mallie▼, Mallorie, Malorie, Malvie, Margerie, Marie▼, Marjerie (see Margery), Marjorie▼, Markie, Maymie, Samarie, Saydie, Silverie, Talie, Valaree, Valaria, Valarie▼, Vale, Valencia, Valentia, Valentine, Valenzia, Valeree, Valeria, Valerie, Valerye, Vallarie, Valleree, Vallerie, Valli, Vallia, Vallie▼, Vallora, Vallorie, Vallory, Vallrie (see Valerie), Vally, Valonia, Valoria, Valorie▼, Valory, Valorya, Valoura, Valouria, Valyn, Vangie, Vannie, Victorie and Walkiria. These names tend to be more frequently used than Valkyrie.