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♀ Vanecia
What does Vanecia mean?
Vanecia as a name for girls is of Latin derivation. Vanecia is a version of Venetia (Latin). Place name: Venice.
RELATIONS VIA VENETIA Vanetia, Venetta, Venezia, Venitia, Venizia, Vinetia, Vonitia, Vonizia
Vanecia Kinslee (V.K.), ..
How popular is Vanecia?
Vanecia is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Vanecia is an unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only popular alternative form of Vanecia (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 is Venetia. Adoption of this relation of Vanecia was common among parents 7 decades ago (#1731). (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Vanecia is pronounced similarly to Vanesha, Vaneshia, Vanetia, Venecia, Venesha, Venetia, Venicia, Venitia, Vinesha, Vinetia and Vonitia. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Benecia, Falecia, Janecia, Janicia, Kanicia, Lakecia, Sancia, Tinecia, Valencia, Valeria, Vanassa, Vaneeta, Vanesa▼, Vanesia, Vanessa▼, Vanesse, Vanessia, Vanetta, Vaneza, Vangie, Vania, Vaniece, Vaniessa (see Vanessa), Vanija, Vanisa, Vanissa, Vannesa, Vannessa, Vanneza (see Vanessa), Venesa, Venessa▼, Venezia, Venizia, Vianca, Vinessa, Vinica, Vonessa (see Vanessa) and Vonizia (see Venetia). These names tend to be more frequently used than Vanecia.