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♀ Varina
What does Varina mean?
Varina as a girls' name. Possibly a respelling of Verena. The name of an early Virginia plantation, and also of the wife of Jefferson Davis, hero of the Confederacy. Also form of Barbara. Also form of Varvara.
RELATED FORMS VIA VERENA Varena, Vereena, Veryna
Varina Harlem (V.H.), ..
How popular is Varina?
Varina is an uncommonly occurring first name for females. Varina is also an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Varina reached its apex rank of #1733 in the U.S. in the 1890s, but is not in the list at the moment. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Varina are Barbara (#930 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) and Verena. Adoption of these relations of Varina was widespread 8 decades ago (AVERAGE #1334) and has become significantly diminished since, with the version Barbara becoming somewhat dated.
Similar Names
Varina is pronounced similarly to Varena, Varona, Vereena, Verona▼, Verowna and Veryna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Airina, Arina, Barinda, Carena, Carina, Carine, Carinna, Catrina▼, Corina▼, Cyrina, Daina, Darina, Darinda, Darlina, Davina▲, Drina, Earvina, Faina, Farin, Halina, Irina, Janina, Jardina, Kariana, Karida, Karinna, Karita, Karmina, Laina, Larena, Larisa, Larita, Latina, Madina, Mahina, Marika, Marina, Marita, Marna, Marnina, Martina, Maxina, Nadina, Norina, Patrina, Sabrina▼, Sarena, Saria, Sarika, Savina, Serina▼, Tarina, Terina, Vana, Vanija, Vanna, Varenka, Varka, Veina, Verene, Verine, Verinka (see Vera), Verone, Vevina, Virgina, Virna, Yarina, Zarita and Zorina. These names tend to be more commonly used than Varina.