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♀ Vellma
What does Vellma mean?
Vellma as a name for girls has its root in Old German, and the meaning of the name Vellma is "determined protector". Vellma is a variant form of Velma (Old German): version of Wilma.
ASSOCIATED WITH determined, protector (defender)
VARIANTS Vehlma, Valma
Vellma Sterling (V.S.), ..
How popular is Vellma?
Vellma is an uncommon given name for women. Vellma is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only popular variation form of Vellma (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Velma. This relation of Vellma reached the height of its popularity during 1910-1919 (ADOPTION OF 0.23%), but now, Velma has become somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Vellma is pronounced similarly to Vilma. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Allma, Bella▲, Bellva, Della▼, Dellta (see Delta), Delma▼, Ellma, Helima, Hella, Hellia, Helma, Kellda (see Kelda), Lellia, Mella, Mellba, Nella, Pallma (see Palma), Pella, Peloma, Rella, Selima, Sellma, Selma▼, Telma, Thellma (see Thelma), Valena, Valina, Valla, Vallda, Vallia, Velda▼, Velika, Vellda, Velora, Verla▼, Wellda, Willma, Zelima, Zellda and Zelma▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Vellma.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]