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♀ Verbena
What does Verbena mean?
Verbena as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Verbena is "holy plants". Originally referred to the olive, laurel, and myrtle plants, which had spiritual significance to the Romans. In modern times, a class of medicinal plants with pleasant scents.
VARIANTS Verbeena, Verbeina, Verbina, Verbyna
Verbena Paislee (V.P.), ..
How popular is Verbena?
Verbena is an unusual first name for women. Verbena is also an uncommon surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Verbena has yet to be ranked in the list so far. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Arlena, Berbera, Berna, Cerena, Cyrena, Deleena, Dorena, Dreena, Drena, Erena, Ferna, Gertina, Hermina, Hermona, Jerona, Jordena, Keena, Kerena, Libena (see Luba), Marcena, Mareena, Marena, Merlina, Merrona, Morena, Regeena, Reubena, Robena, Rubena, Sarena, Sebina, Sereena, Serena, Serenna, Serina▼, Serinna, Seryna, Sireena, Sirena, Tereena, Terena, Teriana, Terina, Terrena, Terrina, Therena, Treena, Varena, Varenka, Varina, Varona, Veena, Veera, Vena▼, Verasha, Verde, Verdell, Vereena, Verena, Verene, Verina, Verine, Verka, Verla▼, Verlee, Verlene, Verline, Verna▼, Verne, Verneta (see Verna), Verona▼, Verowna (see Verona), Veryna, Virgena and Zerlina. These names tend to be more frequently used than Verbena.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]