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♀ Verena
What does Verena mean?
Verena as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Verena is "true". From the same root as Vera.
VARIANTS Varena, Varina, Vereena, Verina, Veruchka, Veruschka, Veryna
RELATED FORMS VIA VERA Veera, Veira, Verasha, Verda▼, Verdell, Verdie▼, Vere, Verene, Verica, Verine, Verinka, Verka, Verla▼, Verlene
Verena Emily (V.E.), ..
How popular is Verena?
Verena is a somewhat prominent first name for females (#2810 out of 4276, Top 66%) but an unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Verena was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its highest rank of #1096 in the U.S. in the 1890s, but is not in the list currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Verena are Vera (#257 VIA LATEST LIST), Varina, Verda, Verdell, Verdie, Verla and Verlene. Adoption of these relations of Verena was at its highest a century ago (MEDIAN #1164) and has become significantly less since (#1782, ▼82%), with forms like Verda going out of style.
Similar Names
Verena is pronounced similarly to Varona, Verona▼ and Verowna. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arena, Berna, Cerea, Cerena, Corena, Deena▼, Dereka, Drena, Eirena, Geena, Helena, Irena, Jelena, Jerona, Karena, Keena, Keren, Kerena, Kerenza, Leena▲, Marena, Meena, Merna, Merona, Neena, Nerina, Reena, Regena, Sarena, Sereena, Serena, Serene, Serenna, Serina▼, Syrena, Tarena, Teena, Terea, Tereena, Terena, Terenia, Teresa▼, Tereza, Terina, Terrena, Teryna (see Terena), Trena, Tyrena, Urena, Valena, Veeda, Veena, Veenya, Veeta, Veeva, Veina, Vena▼, Venesa, Venna, Verbeena (see Verbena), Verbeina (see Verbena), Verbena, Verbina, Verbyna, Verety, Verneta (see Verna), Vernie▼, Veron, Verone, Vevina, Virgena and Virna. These names tend to be less commonly used than Verena.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]