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♀ Wahnita
What does Wahnita mean?
Wahnita as a name for girls has the meaning "God is gracious". Wahnita is a variant form of Juanita (Spanish, Hebrew): pet form form of Juana.
VARIANTS Wanita, Waneeta, Juanetta
RELATED FORMS VIA JUANITA Janita, Junita, Wahnna, Wanna
Wahnita Presley (W.P.), ..
How popular is Wahnita?
Wahnita is a rare given name for females. Wahnita is an equally rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Wahnita (NOT RANKED) are Juanita, Junita and Wanita. Other variants, like Juanetta, are seldom used. Adoption of these relations of Wahnita was well-received among parents 98 years ago (USAGE OF 0.41%), but now, the form Juanita has become less trendy. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Wahnita is alike in pronunciation to Anita▼, Annita, Onita, Unita, Waneta, Wanetta and Yonita. Other recommended sound-alike names are Anahita, Babita, Benita▼, Bernita, Bonita▼, Carita, Carlita, Chita, Damita, Danita▼, Davita, Dawnita, Denita, Donita, Elenita, Ghita, Gwenita, Hanita, Janeta, Jenita, Jennita, Jonita, Kallita, Karita, Karlita, Karmita, Laanita (see Anita), Lalita, Lanita, Laquita▼, Larita, Laurita, Malita, Marcita, Margita, Marita, Markita, Marsita, Martita, Naquita, Nenita, Paquita, Paulita, Ramonita, Ranita, Ranitta, Santa, Shanita, Sunita, Tabita, Tahnia, Talita, Tanita, Trinita, Vanita, Venita, Vernita, Vinita, Wahnda (see Wanda), Waldina, Waltina, Wanda▼, Wannda (see Wanda), Wardia, Warna, Wohnda (see Wanda), Zanita and Zarita. These names tend to be more commonly used than Wahnita.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]