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♀ Wanna
What does Wanna mean?
Wanna as a name for girls. The name Wanna means "God is gracious". Wanna is an alternate form of Juanita (Spanish, Hebrew): contraction form of Juana.
RELATIONS VIA JUANITA Janita, Juana, Wahnita, Wahnna, Waneeta, Wanita
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Wanta, ..
(male) Wanwy, ..
Wanna Bryn (W.B.), ..
How popular is Wanna?
Wanna is an uncommon given name for women but a somewhat popular last name for both adults and children (#92601 out of 150436, Top 62%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Juana (#1692 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Juanita and Wanita are the popular alternative forms of Wanna (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Other forms, like Wahnita, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Wanna was more pronounced among parents during the years 1920-1929 (USAGE OF 0.43%) and has become significantly diminished since (USAGE 0.01%, ▼98%), with the version Juanita becoming less stylish. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Wanna is pronounced similarly to Aanya, Aiyanna, Ana, Annah, Anni, Anny, Anya, Ayanna▼, Eanna, Eena, Enya, Euna, Ianna, Ina▼, Ioana, Ioannah, Iona▼, Ionya, Oona, Winnie▼, Yanna, Yionna, Yoanna, Yoannah and Yona. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adanna, Canna, Carna, Dahna, Daina, Danna, Dianna▼, Flanna, Gayna, Genna, Gianna▲, Hanina, Hanna▼, Hinna, Ivanna▲, Janna▼, Jinna, Lana▲, Lanna, Leanna, Linna, Lonna, Lynna, Marna, Minna▼, Nanna, Nenna, Raina▲, Ranna, Rianna▼, Sana, Sanna, Tana▼, Tawna, Vana, Vanna, Vianna, Wahnda (see Wanda), Wanda▼, Wannda (see Wanda), Warda, Warna, Winne, Wonnda (see Wanda), Wynn, Wynne, Zahna, Zaina, Zanna and Zayna. These names tend to be more commonly used than Wanna.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]