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♀ Winne
What does Winne mean?
Winne as a girls' name is of Welsh derivation, and the meaning of Winne is "fair and smooth; fair bow; blessed ring; holy, blessed reconciliation; joy and peace; fair, pure". Winne is a version of Guinevere (Welsh). Winne is also a variation of Gwendolen (Welsh). Winne is also used as a variation of Winifred (Welsh, Old English), and a variation of Wynne (Welsh).
ASSOCIATED WITH fair (beautiful), smooth (gentle), blessed, joy, peace, pure (virgin)
RELATED FORMS VIA GUINEVERE, GWENDOLEN, WINIFRED, WYNNE Genna, Gennie, Genny, Guinna, Gwynne, Jennee, Jenni, Jennie▼, Jenny▼, Wendee, Wendi▼, Wendie, Wendy▼, Wina, Winnie▼, Winny
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Wanne, ..
(male) Winst, ..
Winne London (W.L.), ..
How popular is Winne?
Winne is a rare first name for females but a very popular surname for all people (#24914 out of 150436, Top 17%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Genna, Gennie, Guinevere (#1446 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Gwynne, Jenni, Jennie, Jenny (#1120), Wendi, Wendie, Wendy (#969), Winifred (#1439) and Winnie (#1005) are the prominent variation forms of Winne (NOT RANKED). These relations of Winne reached the peak of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 1%) and have become much less popular since (ADOPTION 0.1%, 94% LESS), with versions like Jennie becoming less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Winne is pronounced similarly to Aine, Ann▼, Anne▼, Ione▼ and Yann. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Arinne, Bonne, Danne, Diane▼, Dianne▼, Dione, Dionne▼, Erinne, Fione, Gunne, Gwinne, Hanne, Janne, Jenne, Kine, Liane, Lianne, Lynne▼, Minne, Renne, Riane, Rianne, Signe▼, Sine, Tiane, Tianne, Tine, Vienne, Wanna, Wilna, Wilone, Windy▼, Winona▼, Winter▲, Wynnie and Zanne. These names tend to be more frequently used than Winne.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]