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♀ Winny
What does Winny mean?
Winny as a girls' name has its root in Welsh, and the name Winny means "fair and smooth; white, fair; fair, pure". Winny is an alternate form of Guinevere (Welsh). Winny is also a derivative of Gwyneth (Welsh): from the Welsh district name Gwynedd. Winny is also used as a variation of Wynne (Welsh).
ASSOCIATED WITH fair (beautiful), smooth (gentle), white, pure (virgin)
RELATED FORMS VIA GUINEVERE, GWYNETH, WYNNE Genna, Genny, Guinna, Gwenny, Jenni, Jenny▼, Wendy▼, Win, Winne, Wyn, Wynn
CREATIVE FORMS(female) Winy, ..
(male) Winer, ..
Winny Jessica (W.J.), ..
How popular is Winny?
Winny is a rare given name for women. Winny is also a rare surname for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Winny (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000 are Genna, Guinevere (#1446 VIA LATEST LIST), Gwyneth (#1289), Jenni, Jenny (#1120), Wendy (#969) and Winnie (#1005). Other variants, like Winne, are seldom used. Usage of these relations of Winny reached its peak 5 decades ago (MEDIAN #1294) and is now significantly diminished (#1404, DOWN 90%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Winny is alike in pronunciation to Aina, Ainah, Anna▼, Anni, Anny, Eanna, Einaye, Ennya, Ianna, Unna, Wahnna, Wanna, Wina, Yanna and Yionna. Other recommended sound-alike names are Benny, Binny, Blinny, Bonny▼, Bunny, Cinny, Conny, Danny, Denny, Dinny, Donny, Fanny▼, Ginny, Hanny, Janny, Jinny, Konny, Lanny, Minny, Nanny, Penny▼, Renny, Ronny, Sanny, Signy, Sinny, Sunny▲, Tiny, Vinny, Wandy, Whitny (see Whitney), Willy, Wilna, Windy▼ and Winona▼. These names tend to be more commonly used than Winny.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]