Home > Yzabelle


What does Yzabelle mean?

Yzabelle Pronunciation of Yzabelle as a girls' name is a Hebrew name, and the meaning of the name Yzabelle is "God is my oath". Yzabelle is a version of Elizabeth (Hebrew). Yzabelle is also a variant of Isabel (Hebrew).

ENDS WITH -belle



VARIANTS Yzobelle, Yzobel, Ysobel, Ysabel, Izabelle, Izabel, Isobelle, Isobell, Isobel, Isabelle, Isabell, Isabele

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ELIZABETH, ISABEL Isabella, Izabella, Sabella, Sabelle, Ysabella



Yzabelle Emely (Y.E.), ..

How popular is Yzabelle?

Yzabelle is a rare first name for women. Yzabelle is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Isabella (#4 FROM RECENT DATA), Elizabeth (#13), Isabelle (#113), Isabel (#139), Izabella (#260), Isabell (#1508), Izabelle (#1618), Izabel (#1879), Isobel, Ysabel and Ysabella are the popular related forms of Yzabelle (NOT RANKED) ranked in the Top 2000. Other forms, like Yzobel, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Yzabelle was common among parents 8 years ago (MEDIAN #846) and is almost as conventional today (#1048, DOWN 27%), but with forms like Isabell going out of style. Isabelle and Isabella are two of the more contemporarily stylish baby names in this compilation. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Elizabeth, Isabel, Isabell, Isabella, Isabelle in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Isobel, Izabel, Izabella, Izabelle, Ysabel, Ysabella in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Elizabeth, Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle, Isobel outside U.S.

Similar Names

Yzabelle is alike in pronunciation to Ysabell and Ysabelle. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abelle, Amabelle, Amaybelle, Anabella, Anabelle, Annabelle, Arabella, Arabelle, Arbelle, Carabelle, Chanelle, Charelle, Chavelle, Corabelle, Daanelle, Danelle, Darelle, Gaelle, Gayelle, Gazelle, Hazelle, Jaelle, Janelle, Jazelle, Jeanelle, Jezabella, Jezebelle, Jezibelle, Jobelle, Katelle, Labella, Lanelle, Lavelle, Lorabelle, Mabelle, Madelle, Maelle, Marabelle, Marelle, Maybelle, Mirabelle, Nanelle, Narelle, Orabella, Orabelle, Orbelle, Rafelle, Ranelle, Robelle, Rosabelle, Sadelle, Samelle, Shanelle, Sharelle, Sibelle, Sybelle, Tanelle, Yabell (see Ysabel), Yabella, Yabelle, Ysbel, Ysbella, Yudelle and Ywedelle (see Udele). These names tend to be more commonly used than Yzabelle.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
