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♀ Zeba
What does Zeba mean?
Zeba as a name for girls has its root in Greek, and the meaning of the name Zeba is "life of Zeus". Zeba is a version of Zenobia (Greek).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ZENOBIA Zeena, Zena, Zenda, Zenina, Zenna
Zeba Lilianna (Z.L.), ..
How popular is Zeba?
Zeba is an uncommonly occurring given name for females. Zeba is also an uncommon last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Zena and Zenobia are the popular related forms of Zeba (UNLISTED) appearing in the Top 2000. These relations of Zeba were favored as baby names a century ago. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Zeba is alike in pronunciation to Saba, Sabah, Zuba and Zubah. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Abba, Alba, Baba, Beba, Bebba, Eba, Ebba, Elba, Hiba, Keiba, Kiba, Liba, Luba, Melba▼, Oba, Reba▼, Rebba, Reeba, Reyba, Rheba, Roba, Sheba, Zada, Zana▼, Zara▲, Zea, Zeeta, Zeeva, Zelda▲, Zele, Zelia, Zelma▼, Zenia, Zenya, Zeta, Zetta, Zia, Zila, Zina▼, Zita, Ziva, Zoela, Zoia, Zola▲, Zona▼, Zora, Zoya▲, Zuma, Zyna and Zyta. These names tend to be more frequently used than Zeba.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]