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♀ Zita
What does Zita mean?
Zita as a girls' name is pronounced ZEE-tah. It is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Zita is "seeker". A saint's name; also a short form of Rosita and Teresita. The name of the last Hapsburg empress. Also form of Rose. Also form of Theresa.
Zita Amiyah (Z.A.), ..
How popular is Zita?
Zita is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2237 out of 4276, Top 52%) and an even more popular surname for all people (#68569 out of 150436, Top 46%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Zita reached its peak rank of #916 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not listed currently. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Rose (#123 IN 2018), Theresa (#1106), Rosita and Teresita are the prominent alternative forms of Zita. Usage of these forms of Zita was common among parents 118 years ago (ADOPTION OF 1.2%) and has become significantly diminished since (ADOPTION 0.2%, ▼87%).
Similar Names
Zita is pronounced similarly to Cetta, Sato, Zeta and Zetta. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Alita, Alta▼, Amita, Anita▼, Beta, Birta, Bitta, Brita, Chita, Dita, Edita, Esta▼, Evita, Ghita, Gita, Gitta, Irita, Ita, Kata, Lata, Leta▼, Lita, Mata, Meta▼, Minta▼, Mirta, Nata, Nita▼, Peta, Reita, Reta▼, Rieta, Rita▼, Ritta, Tita, Unita, Uta, Veta, Vita, Yuta, Zada, Zaida, Zaina, Zaira, Zana▼, Zanita, Zara▲, Zarita, Zea, Zeba, Zena, Zia, Zila, Zilla, Zin, Zina▼, Zinia, Zinya, Ziv, Ziva, Zivah, Zivka, Zlata, Zoia, Zola▲, Zona▼, Zora, Zoya▲, Zuba, Zuma and Zyna. These names tend to be less frequently used than Zita.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]