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♂ Adayre
What does Adayre mean?
Adayre as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Adayre) is of Old German origin, and the name Adayre means "wealthy spear". Adayre is an alternate form of Adair (Old German): from "ead gar".
Adayre Dawson (A.D.), ..
How popular is Adayre?
Adayre is an unusual first name for males. Adayre is an equivalently unusual surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
The only prominent variation form of Adayre (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Adair. Adoption of this form of Adayre reached its peak a decade ago (#1664). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Adayre is pronounced similarly to Adar. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aage, Aaren, Aaro, Aart, Adael, Adal, Adalard, Adalric, Adam▼, Adamec, Adamek, Adamik, Adamo, Adamok (see Damek), Adams, Adan, Adao, Adayel, Addie, Addy, Ade, Adlar, Adlard, Adler▲, Adryan, Adya, Alair, Alaire, Alard, Alfre, Allayne, Altayr, Amadee, Amadore, Amaury, Andre, Ardmore, Argyle, Arye, Asaya, Asayel, Aundre, Ayren, Azarel, Blaire, Blayre, Claire, Clare▼, Clayre, Fabre, Fiacre, Guaire, Sabre, Sayre, Squyre (see Squire) and Ware. These names tend to be more commonly used than Adayre.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]