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♂ Adnan
What does Adnan mean?
Adnan as a boys' name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Adnan is "settler". Adnan was a descendant of Ismail (Ishmael), one of the sons of the biblical patriarch Ibrahim (Abraham). He and his descendants "settled" in the northern region of the Arabian peninsula in ancient times. Arms magnate Adnan Khashoggi.
ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, biblical, patriarch (leader), ancient (old)
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Abnan, ..
(female) Adni, ..
Adnan Cash (A.C.), ..
How popular is Adnan?
Adnan is an uncommon given name for males but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#88083 out of 150436, Top 59%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Adnan was first listed in 1990 and reached its highest position of #1440 in the U.S. in the year 2001, and is at #1621 currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Adnan is alike in pronunciation to Adnon and Ednan. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aaran, Abna, Abnar, Abran, Adal, Adam▼, Adan, Adao, Adar, Addam, Aden, Adham, Adin, Adiran, Adlai, Adlar, Adlin, Admon, Adnah, Adnet, Adney, Adnot, Adon, Adrain, Adrean, Adrian▲, Adrin, Adron, Adryan, Adya, Aedan, Ahran, Ahsan, Aidan▼, Aitan, Alan▼, Alban, Aldan, Allan▼, Alvan, Aman, Amnon, Annan, Aran, Ardian, Arian, Arlan, Arman, Arnan, Arnat (see Arnett), Arnau, Arnon, Arran, Aslan, Athan, Auban, Aydan, Ayman, Conan, Edan, Ernan, Eunan, Finan, Hanan, Idan, Janan, Kenan, Odran, Ronan▲ and Tynan. These names tend to be more frequently used than Adnan.