Home > Aguistin


What does Aguistin mean?

Aguistin Pronunciation of Aguistin as a boys' name is of Latin origin, and Aguistin means "great, magnificient". Aguistin is an alternate form of Augustine (Latin): short form of August.




VARIANTS Augustyn, Augustin, Agustin, Agoston

RELATED FORMS VIA AUGUSTINE Austen, Austin, Austyn, Avgustin



Aguistin Yeshua (A.Y.), ..

How popular is Aguistin?

Aguistin is a rare first name for men. Aguistin is a unique surname too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Aguistin (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Agustin (#1057 VIA LATEST LIST), Augustin, Augustine (#761), Austen (#1875), Austin (#80) and Austyn (#1822). Usage of these relations of Aguistin was well-received 2 decades ago (MEDIAN #810) and has become much lower since (#1265, 79.3%), with versions such as Austen becoming less trendy. Augustine is the most chic birth name here. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Agustin, Augustin, Augustine, Austen, Austin, Austyn in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Austin outside U.S.

Similar Names

Aguistin is pronounced similarly to Agustine. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Addison, Adison, Adisson (see Addison), Agilan, Agostino, Agosto, Agustino, Agustus, Aikin, Ailin, Aitan, Alaistair, Alaister, Aldivin (see Aldous), Aleister, Alison, Alisson, Alistair, Alistar, Alister, Alistir, Allastir, Allison, Allisoun, Allistair, Allister, Allistir, Allston, Aloisio, Alsten, Alstin, Alston, Aluin, Aneirin, Aneislis, Anestis, Anisio, Antin, Aquilina, Aquilino, Aristeo, Aristide, Aristio, Aristo, Aristos, Aston, Aswin, Aubin, August, Auguste, Augustino, Augusto, Augustus, Crispin, Destin, Dunstin, Dustin, Faustin, Husain, Husein, Hussain, Hussein, Jesstin, Justain, Justin, Krispin, Miltin (see Milton), Oisin, Ostin, Quentin, Quintain, Quintin, Rustin and Tristin. These names tend to be more frequently used than Aguistin.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
