Home > Aileron


What does Aileron mean?

Aileron Pronunciation of Aileron as a name for boys is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Aileron is "winged one". Aileron is an alternate spelling of Aleron (Latin).





Aileron London (A.L.), ..

How popular is Aileron?

Aileron is an uncommon given name for men. Aileron is an equally rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Aileron has not been listed in the list thus far. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Aileron name in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Aileron outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Addeson, Aeron, Aeryn, Aeson, Aharon, Aherin, Aiden, Aiken, Ailean, Ailfrid, Ailfryd (see Alfred), Ailin, Ailmer (see Aylmer), Ailured (see Alured), Ailwyn, Aimerey, Aimery, Aimon, Airen, Airyn, Albern, Alejo, Aleko, Aleric, Alerio, Algernon, Allen, Alleyn, Allgernon (see Algernon), Allison, Allon, Allson, Allston, Alon, Alsdon (see Alston), Alston, Alton, Anderson, Arlen, Aron, Arron, Atherton, Auberon, Cameron, Cimeron, Claron, Clevon, Daleton, Deleon, Delron, Deron, Eilon, Eliron, Geron, Gilleon, Gillon, Gillson, Hilarion, Kameron, Kieron, Leron, Millton, Miron, Nilson, Nilsson, Philemon, Pierson, Silverton, Simeon, Simeron, Teron, Theron, Tiburon, Tildon and Waldron. These names tend to be more commonly used than Aileron.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
