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♂ Alanso
What does Alanso mean?
Alanso as a boys' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Alanso is "ready for battle". Alanso is a variant form of Alonzo (Old German): Italian and Spanish variation of Alphonse.
ASSOCIATED WITH battle (war)
VARIANTS Alonso▲, Alohnzo, Alohnso, Alanzo
RELATIONS VIA ALONZO Allohnso, Allonso, Allonzo
Alanso Eliel (A.E.), ..
How popular is Alanso?
Alanso is a rare given name for men. Alanso is an equally rare last name for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alanzo, Alonso (#775 VIA LATEST LIST) and Alonzo (#472) are the popular varying forms of Alanso (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) rated in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Alanso was at its peak 138 years ago (AVERAGE #1207) and is somewhat less today (#1082, 50% LESS USAGE), with the version Alonzo becoming less fashionable. Alonso is the most fashionable name for newborns in this compilation. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aaro, Acacio, Aciano, Adamo, Adams, Adan, Aias, Aidano, Alain, Alair, Alamar, Alan▼, Aland, Alann, Alano, Alanson, Alard, Alavaro, Alban, Albano, Albaro, Albinson, Albis, Albys, Aldo, Aleco, Alejo, Aleko, Aleks, Aleksi, Aleksio, Alerio, Alfio, Alfo, Alfonso, Alfonzo, Alison, Allson, Almando, Almanzo, Aloess, Aloisio, Alon, Aloys, Alto, Altus, Aluino, Alun, Alvan, Alvaro, Alvarso (see Alvar), Alvise, Alvys, Alwis, Alwyss, Alyn, Amadeo, Amando, Amasa, Annson, Anso, Araldo, Aran, Arlan, Arland, Arlando, Armando, Arsanio (see Arsenio), Aslan, Atanasio, Atilano, Atlas▲, Blanco, Eliso and Fonso. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alanso.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]