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♂ Alard
What does Alard mean?
Alard as a boys' name is of Old German origin, and the meaning of Alard is "noble strength".
VARIANTS Adlar, Adlard, Al▼, Aliard
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Alrit, ..
(female) Alar, ..
Alard Sammy (A.S.), ..
How popular is Alard?
Alard is a rare first name for men. Alard is a rare last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
The only popular varying form of Alard (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) is Al. This form of Alard was favored 118 years ago, but now, Al has become less fashionable. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alard is alike in pronunciation to Ailured, Alhard, Allard, Allerd, Alured, Aylward, Ellard and Willard▼. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aad, Aaro, Aart, Abad, Abelard, Adalard, Adar, Adare, Adelard, Alain, Alair, Alaire, Alan▼, Aland, Alann, Alano, Alaric▲, Albaro, Aldred, Aled, Alford▼, Alfre, Alfred▼, Algar, Alhart, Allart, Alvar, Alvaro, Amad, Amahd, Arand, Ard, Arland, Asaad, Asad, Asgard, Bard, Card, Dard, Eward, Gard and Ward▼. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alard.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]