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♂ Alasteir
What does Alasteir mean?
Alasteir as a boys' name has the meaning "man's defender". Alasteir is an alternate spelling of Alastair (Scottish, Greek): Scottish form of Alistair.
VARIANTS Alyster, Alystair, Allyster, Allystair, Allistir, Allister, Allistair, Allastir, Allaster, Allaistar, Alister, Alistar, Alistair▲, Alester, Aleister, Alastor, Alaster, Alaister, Alaistair
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALASTAIR Alaisdair, Alasdair, Alysdair
Alasteir Brexton (A.B.), ..
How popular is Alasteir?
Alasteir is an uncommonly occurring given name for males. Alasteir is an uncommon surname too for all people. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Alistair (#1004 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) and Alister (#1683) are the prominent variation forms of Alasteir (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Allaster, are uncommon. These forms of Alasteir reached the top of their popularity in 2016 (AVERAGE #1240) and are almost as popular today (#1343, ▼10%). Alistair is the most fashionable baby name in this compilation. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Alasteir is alike in pronunciation to Alistaire and Alistir. Other recommended sound-alike names are Adair, Agustin, Alain, Alair, Alaire, Alamar, Alaric▲, Alcander, Aleksei, Alexei, Alger, Alisdair, Alkander, Allger, Allmer, Allston, Allstonn, Alltair, Allysdair (see Alastair), Alsten, Alstin, Alston, Altaer, Altair, Altayr, Alten, Alter, Amadei, Amati, Ameir, Anastagio, Anastas, Anastase, Anastasio, Anastice, Anastius, Anasto, Anastos, Anestis, Aristeo, Aristio, Artair, Asher▲, Asser, Atwater, Austen▼, Austin▼, Blair▼, Casimir▼, Casmir, Caster, Clair▼, Kasimir, Katzir, Nadeir, Nasir▲, Slater, Slavomir, Vladamir, Vladimir, Wladimir and Yasir. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alasteir.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]