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♂ Alcinder
What does Alcinder mean?
Alcinder as a name for boys is of Greek derivation, and the meaning of the name Alcinder is "strong; man's defender, warrior". Alcinder is an alternate spelling of Alcander (Greek). Alcinder is also a variant of Alexander (Greek).
RELATED FORMS VIA ALCANDER, ALEXANDER Alaxander, Alisander, Alister, Alkander, Alkender, Allister
Alcinder Grayson (A.G.), ..
How popular is Alcinder?
Alcinder is an uncommonly occurring first name for men. Alcinder is an uncommon last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alexander (#11 THE PREVIOUS YEAR) and Alister (#1683) are the popular variation forms of Alcinder (NOT RANKED). Other forms, like Allister, are uncommon. Adoption of these forms of Alcinder reached its apex 25 years ago (AVERAGE #1010) and is somewhat lower today (#847, ▼36%). (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Acer, Aiden▲, Aindrea, Alain, Alair, Alaire, Alaisdair, Alaister, Aland, Albin▼, Albinet, Alcadio, Alden▲, Aldwinne, Aleister, Aleksander, Alester, Alin, Alisdair, Alissander, Alistar, Allger, Allie▼, Allin, Allmer, Aloin, Alpin, Alpine, Altaer, Alucido, Alvie▼, Alvise, Alwine, Ander, Archer▲, Armande, Armonde, Arvind, Brander, Cleander, Einer, Elder, Eliezer▲, Elisher, Evander▲, Falconer, Flinders, Glyndwer (see Glendower), Grainger, Gurinder, Gurvinder, Harinder, Heiner, Isander, Iskander, Kidder, Kleiner, Leander▼, Levander, Liander, Linder, Lysander, Mariner, Neander, Nikander, Rainer, Rainger, Reiner, Reinier, Rider, Saunder, Sikander, Vander, Xander▲ and Ysander (see Isandro). These names tend to be more commonly used than Alcinder.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]