Home > Alexei


What does Alexei mean?

Alexei Pronunciation of Alexei as a boys' name has its root in Greek, and the name Alexei means "man's defender, warrior". Alexei is an alternate spelling of Alexander (Greek). Alexei is also a form of Alexis (Greek). See also Olexei


ASSOCIATED WITH greek, defender, warrior


VARIANTS Alexy, Alexio, Alexi, Alexey, Aleksio, Aleksi, Aleksei

ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ALEXANDER, ALEXIS Alec, Aleco, Alejo, Alek, Aleko, Alex, Alexan, Alexios, Alexius, Alexus, Alix, Allie



Alexei Fynn (A.F.), ..

How popular is Alexei?

Alexei is an unusual first name for men. Alexei is an equally unusual surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)

Which version is better?

Prominent alternative forms of Alexei (NOT RANKED) are Alec (#539 IN 2018), Alek (#1533), Alex (#153), Alexander (#11), Alexi, Alexis (#445), Alix and Allie. Other forms, like Alexus, are uncommon. These forms of Alexei were favored in 1995 (ADOPTION OF 1.7%) and are somewhat less widespread today (ADOPTION 0.88%, 48%), with versions like Allie becoming less stylish. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alec, Alek, Alex, Alexander, Alexi in U.S.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Alexis, Alix, Allie in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Alex, Alexander outside U.S.

Similar Names

Alexei is pronounced similarly to Aluxio, Oleksei and Oleksi. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abeer, Abeeri (see Abir), Abele, Acee, Adeel, Adeev, Akeem, Alben, Albie, Alden, Aldred, Aleck, Alecko, Aled, Aleks, Alem, Alen, Aleric, Alerio, Aleron, Alester, Alfeo, Alfey, Alfie, Alfre, Alfred, Alfrey, Alger, Algey, Algie, Ali, Allcen, Allen, Allex, Alley, Allger, Allmer, Aloiki, Alsten, Altaer, Alten, Alter, Alured, Alven, Alvie, Amadei, Amedeo, Ameen, Ameer, Amerey, Andrei, Arese, Aseem, Ateef, Atlee, Aveneil (see Avenall), Avenel, Averel, Averet, Averey, Averi, Axe, Axel, Azeem, Olexey and Olexi. These names tend to be more commonly used than Alexei.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
