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♂ Alfeus
What does Alfeus mean?
Alfeus as a name for boys has its root in Hebrew, and the meaning of the name Alfeus is "successor". Alfeus is an alternate form of Alpheus (Hebrew).
VARIANTS Alphoeus, Alpheaus, Alfeos, Alfaeus
Alfeus Nicolas (A.N.), ..
How popular is Alfeus?
Alfeus is an uncommon first name for men. Alfeus is also a unique last name for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Alpheus is the only popular alternative form of Alfeus (OUTSIDE TOP 2000). Adoption of this relation of Alfeus reached its apex 138 years ago. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Aegeus, Aengus, Aeolus, Aigeus, Aineas, Aineis, Aiolus, Albern, Albert▼, Albertus, Albis, Albys, Aldous, Aldus, Alec▼, Aleko, Aleks, Aleksi, Alex▼, Alexis▼, Alexius, Alexus, Alfeo, Alfey, Alfie, Alfons, Alfonse, Alfonsus, Alfonzus (see Alphonse), Alfred▼, Alfredas, Alfredo, Alfrey, Alfy, Algey, Algis, Allen▼, Allerd (see Ellard), Alley, Alleyn, Aloess, Alouf, Aloys, Alter, Altus, Aluf, Alun, Alvern, Alvert, Alvis, Alviss, Alvys, Alwis, Amatus, Ambrus, Anders▲, Angus, Anngus (see Angus), Antaeus, Anteus, Ares▲, Arius, Athens, Ayers, Aymes, Claus, Cletus▼, Clitus, Eldous, Kletus, Nereus, Ruffus, Rufus▼, Sofus and Zeus. These names tend to be more frequently used than Alfeus.