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♂ Ammon
What does Ammon mean?
Ammon as a boys' name is pronounced AY-mon. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ammon is "teacher, builder". Biblical: one of the sons of David. Also a place name for a country northeast of the Dead Sea. The Ammonites and the Israelites were frequently at war. The town of Ammam in Jordan is situated in what was Ammon.
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Almon, ..
(female) Ammona, ..
Ammon Geovanni (A.G.), ..
How popular is Ammon?
Ammon is an uncommonly occurring given name for men but a very prominent last name for all people (#11200 out of 150436, Top 7%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Ammon entered the list in 1880-1889 and reached its peak position of #1001 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Which version is better?
Amon is the only other popular related form of Ammon appearing in the Top 2000. These relations of Ammon were at the apex of their popularity in the year 2006.
Similar Names
Ammon is pronounced similarly to Aimon, Aimone, Aman, Ameen, Amein, Amin, Amyn, Ayman, Aymeen, Aymon, Eaman, Eamon, Eamonn, Eman, Iman, Wyman, Yamin and Yemin. Other suggested similar-sounding names are Aaron, Acton, Admon, Adnon, Adon, Adron, Aeron, Aeson, Afton, Ahmod, Ahron, Aimond (see Aimon), Aldon, Allon, Alon, Alton▼, Ammar, Ammer, Amor, Amos▼, Amyot, Andon▼, Anson▲, Anton▼, Ardon, Arion, Arman, Armen, Armin, Armon, Armond, Armoni, Arnon, Aron, Arron▼, Arvon, Aryon, Aston, Auron, Avon, Ayron, Damon▼, Edmon, Jamon, Ramon▼, Simon▲, Symon, Timon and Tymon. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ammon.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]