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♂ Andor
What does Andor mean?
Andor as a boys' name is a Greek name, and the name Andor means "man, warrior". Andor is an alternate form of Andrew (Greek).
VARIANTS Ondre, Ohndre
RELATED FORMS VIA ANDREW Adem, Analu, Anders▲, Andie, Andonia, Andras, Andre, Andrea, Andrei, Andrej, Andres▲, Andrey, Andrij, Andro, Andros, Andru, Andruw, Andy, Antero
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Ardor, ..
(female) Anamor, ..
Andor Kael (A.K.), ..
How popular is Andor?
Andor is an uncommon first name for males but a somewhat popular surname for all people (#124109 out of 150436, Top 82%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent varying forms of Andor (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Anders (#785 A YEAR AGO), Andre (#274), Andrea, Andrei, Andres (#215), Andrew (#43), Andrey, Andru and Andy (#369). Other variants, like Andrej, are seldom used. These relations of Andor were favored by parents 3 decades ago (AVERAGE #994) and have become significantly less popular since (#1076, ▼66%), with the form Andrew becoming less stylish. Anders and Andres are two of the more trendy baby names in this list. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Andor is pronounced similarly to Ander, Aundre and Ender. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abnor, Adar, Ado, Adom, Adon, Aldo, Aldon, Amador, Amor, Anchor, Andon▼, Aniol, Anker, Ankur, Anno, Anso, Anson▲, Antol, Anton▼, Anwar, Ardon, Artor, Eldor, Fedor, Landor, Sandor, Tedor, Todor, Tudor and Vidor. These names tend to be more frequently used than Andor.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]