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♂ Andy
What does Andy mean?
Andy as a boys' name (also used less widely as girls' name Andy) has its roots in Greek and Latin, and the meaning of the name Andy is "man, warrior". Andy is an alternate spelling of Andrew (Greek). Andy is also a variant of Anthony (Latin).
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANDREW, ANTHONY Adem, Analu, Anders▲, Andor, Andras, Andre, Andrea, Andrei, Andrej, Andres▲, Andrey, Andrij, Andro, Andros, Andru, Andruw, Antal, Antin, Anton▼, Antony, Antun, Dandy, Ondre, Ondrey, Toney, Tony▼
Andy Waylon (A.W.), ..
How popular is Andy?
Andy is a very prominent first name for men (#284 out of 1220, Top 23%) and also a very prominent last name for both adults and children (#33563 out of 150436, Top 22%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Andy reached its top rank of #201 in the U.S. in 2005, and is currently at #369. (TOP 2000 NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Popular varying forms of Andy (#369 FROM CURRENT RECORDS) are Anthony (#38), Andrew (#43), Andres (#215), Andre (#274), Tony (#586), Anders (#785), Anton (#1088), Antony (#1814), Andrea, Andrei, Andrey, Andru and Toney. Other variants, like Andie, are seldom used. Usage of these forms of Andy was widespread 28 years ago (AVERAGE #876) and is now much less (#1086, ▼65.4%), with versions like Anton becoming somewhat outmoded. Anders and Andres are two of the more fashionable birth names in this list.
Similar Names
Andy is pronounced similarly to Enda, Indio and Indyo. Other recommended sound-alike names are Aad, Aadi, Abby, Abda, Abdi, Abey, Acey, Ad, Addy, Ade, Adi, Adney, Ado, Adya, Aed, Aidyn, Alby, Aldo, Alfy, Algy, Alvy, Aly, Amby, Amry, Ander, Andon▼, Ange, Angy, Ani, Anno, Anse, Ansly, Anso, Anwyl, Aodh, Ard, Arda, Ardly, Ardy, Arly, Arnd, Arndt, Arney, Arny, Arry, Arty, Arvy, Ary, Audey, Augy, Avry, Cody▼, Eddy, Jody▼, Kody▼, Lindy, Lundy, Nandy, Randy▼, Rudy, Sandy▼ and Tandy. These names tend to be less commonly used than Andy.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]