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♂ Antolin
What does Antolin mean?
Antolin as a boys' name is a variant form of Antonio (Spanish, Italian, Latin): version of Anthony.
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA ANTONIO Antino, Anton▼, Antonino, Antonito, Antonius
Antolin Rishi (A.R.), ..
How popular is Antolin?
Antolin is a rare given name for males but a very popular last name for both adults and children (#26361 out of 150436, Top 18%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Which version is better?
Anton (#1088 A YEAR AGO), Antonino and Antonio (#163) are the popular variation forms of Antolin (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) appearing in the Top 2000. Adoption of these relations of Antolin was at its most widespread in 1997 (AVERAGE #930) and is somewhat less today (#1083, DOWN 49.9%), with the version Anton becoming less stylish. (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Absolon, Acelin, Acton, Adlin, Afton, Ailin, Alin, Allin, Aloin, Alton▼, Anakin▲, Anatol (see Anatole), Anatole, Anatolio, Anatoly, Andon▼, Andonia, Aneirin, Aneurin, Angelino, Aniol, Anntoin (see Anthony), Anslie, Anson▲, Antal, Antin, Antino, Antjuan, Antoine▼, Antol, Antole, Antolle, Antoly, Anton▼, Antone▼, Antoney, Antoni, Antonije, Antonin, Antonine (see Anthony), Antonino, Antonio, Antonito, Antonius, Antons, Antony, Antuan, Antun, Antuwain (see Antoine), Antuwan, Antuwon (see Antoine), Antwahn, Antwain, Antwaine, Antwan▼, Antwaun, Antwohn, Antwoin, Antwoine, Antwon▼, Antwuan, Anyoli, Arlin, Ashlin, Aston, Atli, Attilia (see Attila), Attilio, Catlin, Cattlin, Colin▼, Katlin, Kattlin, Nolin and Ugolin. These names tend to be more commonly used than Antolin.