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♂ Arman
What does Arman mean?
Arman as a boys' name is pronounced ar-MAHN. It is of Spanish and Russian origin. Short form of Armando. It is also a common Armenian name. Also form of Armand. Also form of Armin.
VARIANTS Armani▲, Armante
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Adman, ..
(female) Aral, ..
Arman Eitan (A.E.), ..
How popular is Arman?
Arman is an uncommon given name for males but a very popular surname for both adults and children (#23207 out of 150436, Top 15%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Arman entered the list in 1990 and reached its top position of #981 in the U.S. in 1999, and is currently at #1577. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Arman (#1577 IN RECENT RANKINGS) are Armani (#463), Armando (#474), Armand and Armin. Usage of these relations of Arman was widespread among parents in 1997 (MEDIAN #947) and is somewhat lower today (#1302, DOWN 33%), with the version Armand becoming somewhat outmoded. Armani is the most contemporarily stylish birth name here.
Similar Names
Arman is alike in pronunciation to Armen, Armin, Armon, Erman, Ermin and Orman. Other recommended sound-alike names are Abran, Admon, Adnan, Adrian▲, Aedan, Ahmad▲, Ahsan, Aimon, Altman, Alvan, Amal, Aman, Amani, Ammon, Ara, Aran, Arand, Arda, Arden, Ardian, Ardon, Aren, Arian, Arien, Arin, Arlan, Arlen▼, Arlyn, Armahni, Armand▼, Armande, Armino, Armond, Armoni, Arnan, Arnon, Aron, Arran, Arren, Arrin, Arron▼, Arsen, Arvin, Arvyn, Arwin, Arwyn, Aslan, Auban, Ayman, Aymon, Brian▼, Carman, Daman, Eaman, Elman, Eman, Eran, Furman, German, Gorman, Harman, Heman, Jerman, Naman, Norman▼, Orlan, Suman, Truman▼ and Wyman. These names tend to be more frequently used than Arman.