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♂ Arthur
What does Arthur mean?
Arthur ▼ as a boys' name is pronounced AR-ther. It is of Celtic origin. King Arthur of Britain (sixth century) and his Round Table of knights have become legendary figures. His name was first found in the Latin form Artorius, which is of obscure origin. Other possible sources include "artos", the Celtic word for "bear"; an Irish Gaelic word meaning "stone"; Arnthor, an Old German name meaning "Thor, the eagle". Often used in the Middle Ages, but not common until the early 19th century, when Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, vanquished Napoleon. Tennyson's "Idylls of the King" (19th century) and the Victorian romanticism of things medieval and of Arthurian legend in particular promoted its use. Columnist Art Buchwald; actor Art Carney; tennis celebrity Arthur Ashe; writer Arthur C. Clarke; playwright Arthur Miller.
ASSOCIATED WITH king, britain (england), knights (warrior), bear, stone (rock), old, eagle, 19th century, duke (noble)
VARIANTS Aart, Arrt, Art, Artair, Arte, Arther▼, Arthor, Arthuro, Artie▼, Arto, Artor, Artro, Artturi, Artur, Arturo, Artus, Arty
Arthur Marcos (A.M.), ..
How popular is Arthur?
Arthur is a very prominent first name for males (#48 out of 1220, Top 4%) and also a very prominent surname for both adults and children (#1172 out of 150436, Top 1%). (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Arthur reached its highest position of #14 in the U.S. during the years 1890-1899, and is at #230 presently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Prominent variation forms of Arthur (#230 A YEAR AGO) are Arturo (#608), Art, Arther, Arthor and Artie. Usage of these forms of Arthur was common a century ago (MEDIAN #955) and has become much diminished since (#1473, ▼92%), with forms such as Artie going out of style.
Similar Names
Recommended sound-alike names are Altaer, Altair, Altayr, Alter, Altus, Ancher, Anchor, Ankur, Anteus, Antun, Arch▼, Archard, Archer▲, Archerd, Archie▼, Archy, Argus, Arius, Arjun▲, Arnau, Arnaud, Arnou, Arnoud, Arnout, Arnoux, Artemus, Arthel, Artimus, Arun, Asher▲, Ashur, Athan, Athol, Athos, Autha, Azur, Lothur, Mcarthur and Zahur. These names tend to be less frequently used than Arthur.