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♂ Artur
What does Artur mean?
Artur as a boys' name is a Celtic name. Artur is a variant form of Arthur (Celtic).
RELATIONS VIA ARTHUR Aart, Arrt, Art, Arte, Arther▼, Arthor, Arthuro, Artie▼, Arto, Artro, Artturi, Arturo, Artus, Arty
CREATIVE FORMS(male) Antur, ..
(female) Arvar, ..
Artur Zeus (A.Z.), ..
How popular is Artur?
Artur is a rare first name for males. Artur is also a unique surname for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Prominent related forms of Artur (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) ranked in the Top 2000 are Arthur (#230 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Arturo (#608), Art, Arther, Arthor and Artie. Other forms, like Arte, are uncommon. These forms of Artur were favored as baby names in the 1880s (MEDIAN #955) and are now significantly less widespread (#1473, DOWN 92.3%), with versions such as Arthur becoming somewhat dated. (2018 BIRTH STATISTICS)
Similar Names
Artur is pronounced similarly to Artair and Artor. Other recommended sound-alike names are Alter, Altus, Ankur, Antun, Argus, Arius, Arjun▲, Art, Arte, Arther▼, Arthor, Arthur▼, Arthuro, Artie▼, Arto, Artro, Artturi (see Arthur), Arturo, Artus, Arty, Arun, Ashur and Azur. These names tend to be more frequently used than Artur.