Home > Ashely

Ashely (boy)

What does Ashely mean?

Ashely Pronunciation of Ashely as a boys' name (also used as girls' name Ashely) is of Old English derivation, and the name Ashely means "ash meadow". Ashely is a variant form of Ashley (Old English): family name and place name.


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, ash (tree), meadow


VARIANTS Ashly, Ashlie, Ashli, Ashleigh

RELATIONS VIA ASHLEY Ash, Asheley, Ashelie, Ashlan, Ashlen, Ashlin, Ashlyn, Ashlynn



Ashely Abner (A.A.), ..

How popular is Ashely?

Ashely is an uncommonly occurring given name for men. Ashely is an equivalently unusual last name too for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Popular variation forms of Ashely (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) are Ash (#1366 IN 2018) and Ashley. Adoption of these forms of Ashely was widespread among parents 38 years ago (AVERAGE #1178) and is now significantly less (#1683, 74.8%), with the version Ashley falling out of fashion. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Ash, Ashley in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Ashley outside U.S.

Similar Names

Suggested similar-sounding names are Abel, Abele, Abell, Abyel, Abyell (see Abiel), Accerly, Acel, Acey, Achill, Adeel, Adiel, Adley, Ahern, Ainsly, Airel, Aksel, Alexy, Algey, Alley, Amery, Ancell, Angel, Anjelo, Ansel, Ansell, Antoly, Anwel, Ardel, Ardly, Ardsly (see Ardley), Arel, Ariel, Arly, Arnel, Arnell, Arney, Arthel, Aryell, Asael, Asahel, Asayel, Asen, Ashbel, Ashbey, Ashby, Ashe, Asher, Ashraf, Ashtin, Ashtun, Ashwin, Ashywyn, Asiel, Askel, Askell, Asser, Athens, Athol, Atholl, Atley, Atwell, Aubery (see Aubrey), Audey, Aureli, Aurelo, Avel, Avery, Avrell, Avyel, Axel, Axell, Chesly, Cokely, Mihaly and Neely. These names tend to be more frequently used than Ashely.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
