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♂ Atim
What does Atim mean?
Atim as a boys' name is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Atim is "earth". Atim is an alternate form of Adam (Hebrew): from "adama".
RELATIONS VIA ADAM Ad, Adamo, Adams, Adan, Adao, Addam, Addem, Addie, Addis, Addy, Ade, Adem, Adham, Adim, Adom, Atkins, Edom
Atim Bentley (A.B.), ..
How popular is Atim?
Atim is an uncommonly occurring given name for men. Atim is an unusual last name too for all people. (2000 U.S. CENSUS)
Which version is better?
Adam (#78 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Adan (#449), Ad, Adams and Addie are the popular varying forms of Atim (UNLISTED). These relations of Atim reached the apex of their popularity 4 decades ago (AVERAGE #1283) and have become significantly less widespread since (#1305, ▼72.4%), with the form Adam becoming somewhat dated. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Similar Names
Suggested similar-sounding names are Abia, Abid, Abie, Abir, Achim, Acie, Acim, Adi, Adil, Adin, Adiv, Afi, Afif, Ahim, Aime, Akhim, Akil, Akim, Alem, Ali▲, Alia, Alic, Alik, Alin, Alix, Am, Amid, Amil, Amin, Amir▲, Amit, Ani, Antin, Aram, Ari▲, Aric▼, Arie, Arik, Arin, Ario, Aris, Artie▼, Asim, Atef, Atif, Atila, Atilo, Atiph (see Atif), Atli, Avi▲, Avia, Aviv, Axil, Azam, Azim, Aziz, Haim, Jim▼, Kim▼, Naim, Sim▼, Slim, Tim▼ and Wim. These names tend to be more commonly used than Atim.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]