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♂ Barnie
What does Barnie mean?
Barnie as a boys' name has its roots in Old English and English, and Barnie means "son of consolation; burned clearing; strong, brave bear". Barnie is an alternate spelling of Barnabas (Greek, Aramaic). Barnie is also a variant of Barnett (Old English). Barnie is also used as a variant of Barney (English), and a form of Bernard (Old French, Old German).
ASSOCIATED WITH old english, consolation, clearing (meadow), strong, brave, bear
VARIANTS Bernie▼, Barny, Barni, Barna
ALTERNATIVE FORMS VIA BARNABAS, BARNETT, BARNEY, BERNARD Barnaba, Barnabe, Barnabee, Barnabey, Barnabie, Barnaby, Barnard, Barnet, Baronet, Barrie, Barron, Barry▼, Bern, Bernabe, Bernd, Berndt, Bernis, Bernt
Barnie Tony (B.T.), ..
How popular is Barnie?
Barnie is a rare given name for males. Barnie is an equally unique surname for both adults and children. (2000 U.S. DEMOGRAPHICS)
Barnie was first listed in 1890-1899 and reached its peak position of #1077 in the U.S. then, but is not listed currently. (TOP BABY NAMES, 2018)
Which version is better?
Barnard, Barnet, Barnett, Barney, Barrie, Barron (#1441 LAST YEAR), Barry (#1207), Bernard (#1151) and Bernie are the prominent alternative forms of Barnie. Other forms, like Barna, are uncommon. These forms of Barnie reached the peak of their popularity in the 1940s (MEDIAN #1119) and are now much less widespread.
Similar Names
Barnie is pronounced similarly to Beirnie, Berny, Birney, Birnie, Birny, Burney and Burnie. Other recommended sound-alike names are Arnie, Bailie, Baldie, Bane, Baram, Barde, Bari, Baris, Barklie, Barnes, Barnum, Baron, Barree, Barren, Barric, Bartin, Bartle, Baxlie, Bayne, Beirne, Bennie▼, Berkie, Berne, Bertie, Berwin, Birkie (see Birkey), Birlie, Bjarne, Born, Borne, Bourne, Brain, Brien, Bruin, Burlie, Burn, Burne, Burnis, Byrdie, Byrn, Byrne, Carne, Dabnie (see Dabney), Danie, Dannie▼, Darbie, Earlie, Ernie▼, Farlie, Gardie, Garnier, Garrie, Garvie, Harlie, Harrie, Harvie, Lannie, Larie, Mannie, Martie, Parrie and Tannie. These names tend to be more frequently used than Barnie.
See names in meaning and etymology.[Top]