Home > Baronet


What does Baronet mean?

Baronet Pronunciation of Baronet as a boys' name is an Old English name, and the meaning of the name Baronet is "burned clearing". Baronet is a version of Barnett (Old English).


ASSOCIATED WITH old english, clearing (meadow)


VARIANT Baronett

RELATED FORMS VIA BARNETT Barnet, Barney, Barnie, Barrie, Barron



Baronet Maksim (B.M.), ..

How popular is Baronet?

Baronet is an unusual given name for men but a somewhat prominent surname for all people (#136783 out of 150436, Top 91%). (2000 U.S. CENSUS)

Which version is better?

Barron (#1441 FROM CURRENT RECORDS), Barnet, Barnett, Barney, Barnie and Barrie are the prominent variation forms of Baronet (NOT RANKED) rated in the Top 2000. These forms of Baronet were popular as baby names a century ago (ADOPTION OF 0.06%) and have become significantly less conventional since (ADOPTION 0.01%, 88.1%). (2018 U.S. SSA RECORDS)

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Barnet, Barnett, Barney, Barnie, Barrie, Barron in U.S.

Top 100 baby names ranking of Baronet and related baby names outside U.S.

Similar Names

Recommended sound-alike names are Bane, Banner, Barber, Barde, Barden, Bardon, Barek, Barend, Baret, Barker, Barkley, Barlowe, Barna, Barnes, Barni, Barnum, Barny, Baron, Barrat, Barratt, Barree, Barret, Barrett, Barrt, Bart, Bartel, Bartlet, Bartlett, Bartley, Bartome, Barton, Bartt (see Bart), Basset, Bayne, Benet, Bennet, Berndt, Berne, Bernet, Bernett, Bernt, Birket (see Birkett), Birney, Biron, Bjarne, Brandt, Brannt (see Brant), Brant, Brantt (see Brant), Brendt, Brennt (see Brent), Brent, Brentt, Bret, Brodee, Broden, Broder, Brodey, Bron, Bronco, Bronko, Bronsen, Brose, Brunel, Burket, Burne, Burnel (see Burnell), Burnet, Burnett, Burney, Byrne, Byron, Gannet, Garnet and Garret. These names tend to be more commonly used than Baronet.

See names
in meaning and etymology.
